By Christi Byrd Smith
The heartbeat of Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s what separates Him from the prophets, teachers, saints and cons. Following Jesus hinges on the confession that He lived a perfect human life, died a gruesome redeemer’s death, and was physically raised from the tomb to live forever.
In Mere Christianity, former atheist C.S. Lewis wrote that Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic or Lord. Jesus cannot be just a great moral example based on the claims He made. Only the Messiah – the promised deliverer – could forgive sin, heal the sick and raise the dead. “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live,” said Jesus (John 11:25). “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).
There is no one like Jesus, the sinless Savior who bore all our brokenness in exchange for all His righteousness. Jesus leaves it for us to choose, and the choice we make changes everything. “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him form the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).
The resurrection is the pivot point that changed everything. It separates Christianity from any other religion. It is God mercifully coming to us, instead of Him making us earn our way to Him. Jesus didn’t just say, “I am the resurrection.” He also said, “I am the life.” The new life He offers is marked by transformation, restoration and redemption.
We cannot come to the Cross and be left unchanged. Jesus assures us that He came for the very purpose of giving us life to the full. This offering of abundance is an offering of Himself – of His supernatural presence, love, forgiveness, peace, power and joy. Jesus didn’t come just so that we could see heaven one day. He came so that we could have spiritual revival and healing for today.
As we abide in Jesus, we can overflow with a hope that can hush doubts and fears, hurdle hills and mountains, and hallow His name even in the face of death. Is there a place in your life that feels hopeless? A relationship, a job, your self-worth or an unused talent? Jesus came to breathe His holy truth into places that are suffocated by sin, stress and shame. He is risen means that we can rise too – from defeat, grief, addictions and fears. Let’s walk towards wholeness and holiness this Easter as we abide in Jesus. He is risen, indeed! To learn more visit